Peyton Place review and new book

I finished Peyton Place last night.  I really enjoyed it, and was surprised by some of the changes that they did in the movie, some I could understand why, but others I'm not sure why they did it.  This would be a book that would benefit from a remake in my opinion, especially if it was done on HBO, that way they it can be as long as it needs to be.  I still like the movie, but after reading the book I think I like the book better.

So on to my next book, I chose Confessions of a Teen Sleuth by Chelsea Cain.  It's a parody of Nancy Drew, I just started it today and I'm almost half way through it.  It's really funny, and makes me want to go back and read the series.  It's been ages since I read a Nancy Drew book.  This is one that I definitely recommend.


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