I just finished this book this morning, I had heard about the movie on the podcast
You Must Remember This in the episode about actress Gloria Graham. It sounded interesting, so I checked it out, when I found out that it was a based on a book I looked a bit further into it and found out that there was a lot of differences from the book to the movie, and I was interested to see what they were. I'be read several books from the time period that this was written in but none were as adult as this with the expection of
The Postman Always Rings Twice. Looking back and comparing the two, I am finding it hard to decide which I liked better, since they are so different. I liked the style that Dorothy B. Hughes wrote in and am interested to read some of her other books to see how they compare.
So this leaves me with what book to read next, it's between two choices, and I think that I'll read the first chapter of each and see which hooks me quicker.