I've tried to remember all the books I've read since I've posted last, but things have been so busy for me lately that I can't remember them all, except for White Fire and Blood of the Lamb, which I haven't finished, it's just didn't pull me in. Right now I'm reading VC Andrews Dollanganger Series, I'm reading the 4th book at the moment, I'm following two blogs http://trappedintheattic.wordpress.com and http://vcablogorama.blogspot.com both bloggers are recapping VC Andrews books and they are both so funny. I also discovered a podcast called Somebody Wrote this (http://somebodywrotethis.wordpress.com) it's kind of like How Did This Get Made, but about books.
I was thinking about what else I could do with this blog and thought I might recap some of my favorite books that I've been wanting to reread. I may start with Harry Potter or Gone With the Wind, or something completely different.